Things that Can Trigger Depression and Low Self-esteem

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A-14-year-old minority female, facing the very real possibility that she may be pregnant. She has always struggled in school (she has been failed a grade already), and is currently a freshman in high school.
The environment of this girl should be designed in a manner which makes it conducive for a healthy development of both the girl and the baby she is expecting. She should receive guidance and counseling because she is at a very delicate age where decisions made by an adolescent may be irrational and careless. Being pregnant at 14 years makes her very exceptional among her peers and therefore, they may pay her more attention than she can handle. This is likely to affect her both psychologically and mentally and she may end up failing more classes until she is demoralized. Counseling her ensures that she is able to anticipate what will be coming her way from her peers in the course of her pregnancy and how she should protect herself from such challenges.
Major influences in her life in both school and home should provide a very welcoming attitude to her. This prevents stress and depression which is very prevalent among adolescent pregnancies. Stress and depression will lead to unhealthy development of the baby which can have a wide range of negative outcomes ranging from headaches, excessive bleeding, and death. The girl should have easy access to basic needs and support which are needed by pregnant women. This involves access to prenatal health care. She should be taken to a doctor who will examine her condition and the nature of her pregnancy. Some pregnancies are high risk while others are normal. Based on the nature of the pregnancy, the doctors will be able to advise her on the right way to take care of herself. The teache...

... middle of paper ... depression and isolation; he would feel alienated from his parents who could even have attention deficit disorder or disruptive disorder. Care and support for the child will allow him to engage in some kind of pleasurable activity so that he cannot feel emptiness. His environment should be lively and he should be surrounded by people all the time. The brain development of a child under stress and depression will be poor so he needs to be given an environment where he can work his brain well. The child can be given quizzes and problems to solve or he can engage in video games or other online games to keep him intelligently active. This will make him happy and lively.

Works Cited

Berk, Laura E. Exploring Lifespan Development Books a La Carte. 3rd ed. N.p.: Pearson College Div, 2010. Http:// Web. 14 Mar. 2014.

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