Aristotle's Theory Of Act Utilitarianism

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5. (A) Act utilitarianism is essentially getting the best possible solution to benefit to greatest number of people. This theory that states the majority rules and takes everyone’s feelings into consideration. With act utilitarianism, there 's a measurement unit called the Hedonic Calculus which interprets the level of happiness and sadness. The approach act utilitarianism takes is to benefit more people than harm them. However, if the act harms more people than pursue their best interest then it 's considered wrong. Although this idea is quite multiplex it can distinguish what is right from wrong. In this particular theory, the critical thinking process consist of serval steps which involve identifying the ethical decision to be made, list all the various actions that could occur, list all the people who are affected by these decisions, and determine the total sum happiness and unhappiness with the results. With these steps, it can be determined what is the most superior possible outcome …show more content…

(A) Virtue ethics is mainly about finding balance. Moderation is key to the theory of virtue ethics. Aristotle created the Golden Mean which is the perfect balance between two virtues. Being too extreme in one virtue isn 't healthy according to the theory, there has to be some kind of median. In applying this theory, step one is to determine the virtues provided by the situation. Whether it 's honestly, self-control, or wisdom there 's some character trait that is involved with the challenge. Next is to evaluate all options by balancing various traits on the Golden Mean continuum. Meaning what actions could be done to proceed to the Golden Mean. Final step would be to choose to wisest course of actions that gets closest to the Golden Mean. Once all outcomes have been established, then one can decide which route could help achieve the Golden Mean. No one can tell where your supposed to be in your virtue ethics journey, everyone 's individual virtues and balances are

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