Reflection Paper On The Gospel Of Mark

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Many important themes arose while I was reading the Gospel of Mark. In my week 2 group discussion posts, the themes I listed were faith, power of prayer, forgiveness, repentance, optimism, gratitude and mercy. However there are more that I found in the chapter and I read through it again such as the healing power of God and standing for righteousness.

In Mark Jesus healed many people with various ailments such as evil spirit possession, hemorrhaging, healing the deaf, the blind and epilepsy. The healings that Jesus conducted in Mark show that God’s love and mercy is everlasting. Also the power of faith and will power that the people had who were in need of the healing was very visible. Sometimes we go through situations and forget that God never left our sides during tribulations and His son Christ is within us no matter what. Also displayed in Mark through the stories of Jesus healing is the fact that God always has the final say so or judgment. Since God has the final say we should not worry or be too sadden by obstacles that we face. I truly believe that God will not give us more then we can handle and through obstacles we find our strength and courage to keep fighting.

In addition in Mark 3:17, Jesus made it clear that his message was intended for sinners especially. While everybody needs the …show more content…

If I do become a theologian then my overall plan is to be in a space where I will be able to communicate freely with others about the love and the word of God. I noticed as I have been on an educational and professional pursuit that what lacks in my daily environment is being able to fully express my spirituality with others. Many people I encounter are curious about my faith background and even want to go into further discussions in my office about their beliefs also. There are several boundaries that prevent me currently from having that safe space to talk about

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