Scholarly-Scientific Use Of History Essay

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Politicians use history in many ways. They make history, as actors; they often write history, as diarists and in memoirs; some even read and study history and their claims to scholarly expertise on the subject give a degree of intellectual authority and respect (Clark, 2010). Politicians use history when it comes to terms with the past for different reasons. They use the past to demonstrate their own historical significance and their fidelity to national traditions. “History is made use of when it is activated in a communicative process in order for certain groups in a certain society to satisfy certain needs or look after certain interests” (Kangaspuro, 2010, p. ). Very often politicians and historians use “historical myths” to promote …show more content…

The rules and standards in this kind of use are approved as comparatively strict and professional. A narrative event must be understood, described and interpreted on the basis of a historical context. History can be seen as a prospective movement. Final results are not given, because history is permanent change. The focus in this category is on the discovery of new knowledge about the past and on its interpretative reconstruction. The historians using the scholarly-scientific use of history are aware of two different concepts of classifying the phenomenon. The first one is setting the narrative phenomenon in question and the second one is the front-line of scholarship. Many scholars in Western societies make us of this approach because they are living in a liberal environment, where they can be relatively autonomous. In the communist countries of Eastern Europe, the state takes often advantage of professional historians for their purposes, mainly relating to promulgate ideological concepts. “Even after the fall of Eastern European Communism and the Soviet state, many historians have continued to perform political and ideological roles, nowadays in the service of various nationalist powers.” In other East and Central European countries, however, the transition has made it possible to initiate a professionalization process, often by means of contacts with an …show more content…

This use can also be seen as an ideological choice. Generally speaking, the non-use of history is a successful strategy in societies where the legitimacy of the state is build on the belief that social-state relations are especially successful, or that the future looks especially rewarding. A socialist society, on its way to reaching the highest level of a Communist ideal society, had nothing to learn from the past, it was argued, but should develop through the everyday interaction between individuals in a society characterised by socialist virtues such as justice, solidarity and love. It can also be talked about the non-use of history, when an aspect of history is passed over in

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