The Church

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Edward P. Clowney book titled The Church deals with the doctrines of the church. He takes a deep look at the issues the modern church has neglected. He believed that the demands of the market and the growth of the church threaten to quench theological reflections on its nature and mission (Back cover). He believes that the means to revive the church will be done through theological works. His methodology is based off of his experience in biblical, historical, and systematic theology. However with being stated, much of his work comes across inconsistent and structured poorly. Nevertheless, Due to the vast amount of information that this work has produced, my objective will broadly reflect on select topics. This paper will interact with Clowney ideals of relativism and pluralism, marks of the church, and the prophecies in the church.

“Radical contemporary theologians states, salvation is not limited to the church, to Christianity, or to Christ. All religions have equal rights for they hold an equal claim to religious truth (15).” This statement becomes one of the first issues Christian believer’s faces when witnessing God’s plan for redemption in the world. It has become evident across this nation that relativism and pluralism has taken root not only in the contemporary churches but in the traditional churches as well. Pastors are continually approached by parishioners who have heard the false teachings about how one can find Jesus through other avenues. Seeker sensitive rhetoric has destroyed the doctrinal fibers of modern church. It leaves out solid theological and exegetical study and replaces it with a feel good postmodern language. Many churches cannot even explain to a non-believer what they believe and why. Clowney states,...

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...chauvinist understanding of Scripture. The Scripture is very clear that the there are several instances where women are used by God in roles of teaching, preaching, and prophesying. In the list of Apostles that were named, one particular name was a female. We find this in Romans 16:7 where Paul announces to the church those who were among them. Andronicus and Junia (women Apostle) he stated were apostles who were in Prison with him. This passage has far-reaching implications. If it is indeed the proper understanding of this obscure verse, egalitarian scholars are provided with one instance in Scripture where a woman is called an apostle. The list can go on and on for women who God used in Scripture. What Clowney stated that the feminist theologians did to get to support their point, he is doing as well. He seems to take passages and change them or leave them out.

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