Research Paper On Ted Bundy

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Shayna Stoymenoff 1000762463 October 16th, 2017 Professor Lee SOC393 Essay #1 Ted Bundy is a notorious serial killer who murdered and sexually assaulted more than 30 women in 1974 (Ramsland, 2013, p. 18). Bundy was seen as the average “American boy” in the sense that he was not physically abused by his family, went to church every Sunday, and later went on to enroll in law school in Utah (Ramsland, 2013, p. 19). However, despite such cliché characteristics, Bundy was hiding a dark secret. It was his addiction to pornography that fueled and motivated him to commit terrible acts such as acting out sadistic sexual fantasies. While his motive reifies popular and classic understandings of serial killing, his motives also challenge it. Although …show more content…

For instance, another major popular understanding of serial killing is that most serial killers commit crimes because they come from abusive backgrounds and homes. For example, in Ferrington’s (2006) article, the author found that, when asked about what was believed to be the main cause of serial killing, people had responded that it was children who were physically abused or neglected. Furthermore, the author continues to support this statement and found that children who were abused were more likely to be arrested as adults for a crime than those who were not (Ferringston, 2006, p. 23). However, Ted Bundy’s motives challenge this popular understanding, as he did not come from an abusive background of abusive parenting. For instance, in Ramsland’s (2013) article, the author states that Bundy grew up in a regular Christian family with two caring and dedicated parents. Furthermore, Bundy argues in his interview that his parents did not drink, smoke or gamble and there was no fighting or physical abuse (Masterson, 2008). However, according to Anderson (1994) and as mentioned in his interview, it was his addiction to pornography that ultimately motivated him to commit the crimes he committed. Therefore, this challenges the popular understanding of serial killing in that most people kill as a result of abusive …show more content…

It is through the use of pornography that enabled and motivated Ted Bundy’s sadistic sexual fantasy and thus to kill. Furthermore, Bundy’s motivations both reify and challenge popular understandings of serial killing. For instance, Bundy reifies popular beliefs and understandings that are perpetuated in the media, in that most serial killers are motivated by sexual sadistic fantasies. This can be seen from Ted Bundy’s motives, as it was his addiction to pornography that ultimately motivated him to act out his sadistic fantasies that he had been exposed to from pornographic magazines (Anderson, 1994, p. 11). However, this pornographic motive also challenges popular understandings of serial killing in that most killers commit serial crimes as a result of poor or abusive parenting. Due to the fact that Bundy was not abused or neglected as a child, but rather was addicted to pornography and fulfilling sexual fantasies, this challenges the popular understanding that those who commit serial killings do so because of abusive

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