Sci Reasoning

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Science forms our knowledge on the world as it is based on testable hypotheses, where as faith supports itself on a strong conviction of hope for something that no one can see. Science and faith relate to each other, but are do not support each other. Faith, in the religious sense of the word, should be omitted from scientific analysis, but in the complete trusting sense of the word, scientists should have convictions on their work. I argue that science has its own faith based belief system that it bases itself upon, and that they are different and independent from each other. Science and faith in the religious sense are founded on general faith, with the belief of existence of something outside the universe. Knowledge that comes from one’s experience of the world is science, and is completely independent of personal experiences. It comes from observations that turn into experiments, which someone can prove to someone else. It is limited in view, in that it is the only source of knowledge. Faith, on the other hand, comes from personal experiences of God and is dependent on one’s personal experience with God. It cannot be proven to another person as science can, since it is one’s personal belief. Therefore, science is independent and faith is dependent of our experiences. They don’t have the same uses which means they don’t relate. Conflict can result between science and faith when people try to combine them. Someone may be looking to science for spiritual guidance, or to religion to help him or her understand scientific questions. Different types of religious faith also play a role in the conflict. Christians who feel insecure with their faith try to understand their uncertainty through scientific evidence. Whereas atheists are... ... middle of paper ... ...nce. A believer has faith that a god exists or that their scriptures are true. In the scientific sense, faith is based on evidence. The existence of God cannot be proven through a method, as science uses. Science is the search for the truth, but it can never uncover God. The type of faith that is scientific is based on evidence. For example, one assumes that the sun will rise tomorrow morning because it has for the last thousand years. There are man-made laws that describe the basics of the order of the universe, and it does not involve an external source. A Christian can be assured of their life by God and still explore science as a means to try to understand the world God has created. Science adds to faith and faith gives purpose to what science seeks to understand. Science and faith may not contradict each other, but they have different tasks, and means to an end

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