The Importance Of The Fast Food Chains

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According to 2014 statistics, 27.7% of Americans are considered obese. However the big question is, whom do we blame for the increase in obesity? Is it an individual’s own fault or the fast food chains? As individual’s, we have failed in taking responsibility for our actions and instead we look to put the blame on someone or something else. In Morgan Spurlock’s documentary Supersize Me, he ate “nothing but McDonald’s food for one month” (McCook 35) and put on approximately 25 pounds. We all know that the fast food industry provides processed and unhealthy foods but isn’t it our choice on whether or not to put those unhealthy foods in our body while knowing the result they will give us? In the Caeser Barber v. McDonald’s Corp lawsuit Barber …show more content…

The fast food industry has been here for decades and just now the obesity rate has started to rise. While the portion sizes have increased considerably through out the years so have the amount of healthier options that have become available to us. The fast food chains should be reprimanded for their unhealthy portion sizes however, just because you get a forty-four ounce soda doesn’t mean you should drink it all just because it was what you were provided with. As individuals we should automatically know what is good for us and what isn’t, not fake ignorance and then put the blame on someone else when you see the consequence of that decision. In Documenting a Supersize Ego, Bhaumik states “Instead of educating the public about a potential fatal situation, he absolves everyone of their personal responsibilities for fitness and holds corporations responsible”(Bhaumik 40) he informs us exactly what it was that Spurlock was doing and what most people do, not take responsibility for their actions. Spurlock knew that eating all of that unwholesome food as well as not participating in any physical activity was bound to leave him with bad health. These fast food chains may supply us with these unhealthy foods and large portions sizes but it is our voluntary decision to consume them instead of the healthier alternatives, thus not holding them responsible for the increase in …show more content…

All most all foods that are available at places such as McDonalds, Burger Kings, and even Taco Bell have a high concentration of fat, salt, and sugar. This can cause serious health problems if eaten often like most Americans do simply because it is cheap, convenient and most likely contains MSG which causes you to become addicted to that particular food. However, if eaten rarely or even in small portions with exercise after, you have a better chance of preventing the health risks that can occur like high blood pressure, diabetes, and even heart disease. Recently, fast food chains have started adding healthier options on their menus as well as nutritional facts. Consequently giving the individual the choice to consume cleaner foods or processed foods, which will then result in their positive or negative

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