Super Natural Horror Movie: The Conjuring

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Last year of 2013 my friends and I went to the cinema to watch one of the most scariest movies called "The Conjuring". The movie, The Conjuring is an American, supernatural horror film based on a family who experienced increasingly disturbing events in their farmhouse. Prior to watching this film it provided information on the type of content and material that was going to be present in the movie. For example, religion became a primary factor affected because it dealt with supernatural power, christianity, and faith. However, for people that werenon- believers and believers they were still enthused to watch the movie but, the censorship helped alarm viewers of the content shown. In many cases viewers prefer having trigger warning or anadvisory signalling of what is goin to appear. Throughout our modern history we have been taught of stories facts and tales of the things that occured in the past. Although all of our past does not reflects problems we still tend to acknowledge and study past conflicts and time in history that help usunderstand the history and evolution of who we are today. At times we stumbled upon the graphics, video clips, and other sources that gives us descriptive details of the occurence at that time. As for example, if a teacher allows her class to watch the video on the biography of Emmit Hill . Emmit Hill was an African-American boy who was brutually murdered in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman. If there are no trigger warnings and all of the scenes and pictures of the body is displayed I think it is right of the student to inform the teacher of his or her feelings toward it and at all cost avoid it by giving trigger warnings.
However everybody takes t...

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...tain topics but should not be on all mainly because it will take away from many of the stuff taught today in our education.I am convinced that there needs to be a set boundary in trigger warnings, it does not need to be do not enter or read notice rather it can simply be like a road sign informin readers and viewers what to expect. I do not think it is necessary for trigger warnings to be implented at Virginia State University because many of the subjects taught are used to challenge and help build higher learning. Also, I have never encountered this in any of my classes and if it there was a chance that I may have to eventually, teachers at Virginia State chose a different approach when discussing contradicting topics. It is evident that placing a trigger warning is only taking away from learning to challenge and understand the literature and other courses.

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