Horwitz's Theory Of Ixiety In The Classroom

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The participant of this study is a 21 year old student currently studying Bachelor of Arts at Auckland University of Technology. The student is raised in a Pacific Islander environment and is not confined to live within formal traditional conditions. The truancy commenced after the acknowledgment that parents no longer needed to be notified about my absences. The student remained in a mind-set since we are given the materials we needed such as lecture and tutorial notes it is enough to understand the criteria.
A pen and paper are used to record the behaviour. The positive reinforcement used if the participant has attended all the classes is being allowed to watch a few hours’ worth of a television series on the laptop and negative punishment is not being permitted to use or carry any electronics for two hours.
The behaviour focused to change is attending every single class. The operational definition of this behaviour is unjustified absences from skipping class. The independent variable is either the negative punishment or positive …show more content…

Having a steady study plan could prevent the student from being absent, feeling anxious as well as understanding what is happening during class lectures (Pham, 1999). This can be related to Horwitz (1986) theory about anxiety and how it prevents some people from performing successfully in the classroom. This theory explains a similar situation that the participant had faced. The participant felt that she lacked social skills that prevented her the ability to ask for help under the amount of time given to start with assessments. The participant found it difficult to participate in class activities as well as communicating with other students. If the student was able to feel confident in interacting as well as becoming well associated with other students, the student would feel more comfortable to attend

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