Psychoanalyticism In The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr Hyde

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Throughout history, many historical philosophers have contributed as to how the human mind has two sides. Human beings tend to have good and evil within them, the duality of right and wrong, bliss and distress. There is always an impulse to act against society in terms of violence and the laws, although this varies depending on the individual. In the novella “ The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” Robert Louis Stevenson introduces a foil interconnection between moral choice and behavior through Jekyll and Hyde. However, ironically set in the Victorian era, a time when peace and prosperity took place.

In “ The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” begins with a mysterious third person narration with Mr. Utterson a quiet “scanty and unsmiling” lawyer yet lovable, walking through the streets of London with a companion Mr. Enfield. The novels, suspense is conveyed through Enfield 's …show more content…

Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” depicted many aspects of psychoanalytical and biographical references in which moral choice played a role in the transformation between Jekyll into Hyde a cycle of identity disorder. “Stevenson thoughts at this time was the duality of man 's nature and alternation of good and evil” (77) states Graham Balfour representing how Jekyll morally distinguishes what his foil persona commits as wrong, but evil wins the battle conquering the goodness within himself. The image of god and satan correlate into their human characteristics one presents the righteousness of good will meanwhile evil is exposed inconsistently. In the end Hyde 's evil persona lies beneath Jekyll knowing that in an attempt of suicide Hyde will get destroyed. Ironically Jekyll 's given up his life, but Hyde regains dominance so that his body would be found. The historical victorian era in which the novels was written reveals how immoral life was lived in reality a way in which Stevenson used the protagonists Jekyll and Hyde “Hide” to fit his

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