Stakeholder Engagement

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Stakeholder engagement is a central commitment demanded by PfS. The engagement process under BSF should allow for discussion between the ProjectCo, the Local Authority and Schools, enabling better identification of sustainable energy requirement.

Indeed, several studies highlighted the Contribution of clients and users to the Innovation Process. Gardiner and Rothwell (1985) point out the role of the customer in aircraft and agricultural machinery innovation and went as far as claiming that the customer should be a full ‘partner’ in the design process. According to them ‘tough customers’ stimulate superior designs (Gardiner and Rothwell, 1985). Miller et al. (1995) echo this argument and drew attention to the role of the customer as a key source of knowledge for complex product innovation. Albers and walker (1997) also stress that change has to be driven by the customer. In the construction industry context, Slaughter (2000) asserts that the complex ‘multi-agent’ nature of construction projects requires the collaborative efforts of key project actors, including the client, to stimulate innovation. Nam and Tatum (1992a) studied the instruments used to stimulate innovation in construction projects; one of the key instruments they reported is client involvement. Nam and Tatum (1997) have similarly shown that in such a context, clients may play the dominant role of ‘champions’ to innovative products and processes. This was echoed by Bröchner and Grandison (1992) and Mitropoulos and Tatum (2000), who argued that client involvement is a key driver for innovation.

Client commitment is critical to the implementation of energy efficient design innovations. Since clients will ultimately finance most of the cost of the innovation, the...

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... said “It is therefore most useful to conceive the design as being promoted through networks [...] rather than as being developed on the ‘supply side’ and then passed over a wall to ‘the client” (p. 498).

Stakeholder engagement is a central commitment demanded by PfS. The engagement process under BSF should allow for discussion between the ProjectCo, the Local Authority and Schools, allowing for better identification of sustainable energy requirement. It can also help in developing a solution based on a better understanding of the exact needs of the Local Authority and School.

Proposition 2: The BSF Engagement process support for effective communication and collaboration between the ProjectCo, the Local Authority, and school will offer the ProjectCo with the opportunity to better identify the sustainable energy requirement and the incentive to be innovative.

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