The Stages and Treatments of Alzheimer’s Disease

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The Stages and Treatments of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disease with many different stages that slows one’s lifestyle and has no real cure. Alzheimer’s disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer. The disease first appears around the age of sixty. Studies have concluded that as many as 5.1 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. A person with Alzheimer’s loses connections between neurons in the brain (1).

Scientists do not know exactly what causes Alzheimer’s, but scientists say the disease develops a complex series of events that take place in the brain over a long period of time (3). Alzheimer’s is known to cause dementia with older people. Dementia is the loss of thinking, remembering, and reasoning. Dementia affects daily life and activities just like Alzheimer’s (“Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet”1). Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging, and is not hereditary (Hyde 57).

There are three different cases of Alzheimer’s. The first case is known as the mild case of Alzheimer’s. The mild case starts by taking a longer time to do daily activities. Then a person with the disease may develop bad judgment, different personalities, and ask repetitive questions. Also people have a tendency to get lost and have trouble with money or bills.

The next case is the modern case, which is the second stage of Alzheimer’s. The modern case consists of hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. One may behave impulsively in the modern case of Alzheimer’s. The carnage of this disease consists of damage with in the brain that controls language, reasoning, sensory processing, and thought. People have memory loss and their confusion will increase during the modern case Alzheimer’s. Problems noticing family and fr...

... middle of paper ... carry out everyday tasks (“Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet”1). To unlock mysteries about Alzheimer’s one needs to do research (Hyde 58).

Works Cited

“A Treatment Overview of Alzheimer’s Disease.” 11 Feb. 2011. com/alzheimers/guide/treatment-overview>. Allday, Erin. “Blood test could predict chances of Alzheimer’s.” San Francisco

Chronicle.19 Jan. 2011,Al. Alabama Virtual Library.11 Feb.2011.>. “Alzheimer’s Disease Fact Sheet.” 11 Feb. 2011.

Park, Alice. “Alzheimer’s Unlocked (Cover Story).” Time. 25 Oct. 2010:17.Alabama

Virtual Library.11 Feb. 2011..

Hyde, Margaret O. and Elizabeth H. Forsyth, M.D. The Disease Book (A Kids’ Guide).

USA, Walker Publishing Company, Inc., 1997.

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