Analysis Of Emine Saner's Article: Is Sport Sexist?

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Luis Lopez
Prof. Jason Olsen
English 2010
Economics Everywhere
If a television network was to broadcast an athletic practice of a professional men’s team and a professional women’s team, it would be clear that both teams work equally as hard and push themselves to great lengths in order to reach their goals. Their efforts are proven and displayed when each team goes against their opponent and experience the benefits of their hard work when they are victorious. Although men and women work equally as hard as each other in preparing and training for their athletics, it is the male sports that get more recognition and are more widely broadcasted not only in the United States but also on an international level. If both teams …show more content…

She states how only 5% of coverage when solely to female sports and they received only .5% of sponsorship. She addresses another key economic principle in the issue that of advertising and how much money is spent by television networks to promote different athletics. Saner brings up the connection between media coverage and the audience for each gender’s sport, and points out that there is not as big of an audience for women’s athletics compared to men’s. In her article it is pointed out that broadcasting networks are businesses, and their highest priority is making as big of a profit as they can. She reflects the idea’s of the previous article by saying that network influences the audience just as much as the audience influences the network. Because of this there is a need to encourage the participation of more women in athletics and being more engaged in sports. Saner believes this needs to start with the younger generations because the youths today will be those participating in sports in the next generation and influencing the television broadcasters what to air. Although there is much agreement with economic and business reasoning behind the biases in coverage, some people argue that it is more about the …show more content…

Although men and women work equally as hard as each other in preparing and training for their athletics, it is the male sports that get more recognition and coverage in the media and society. There are many reasons for why this occurs, and the fact that television broadcasters act as businesses accounts for the largest explanation. Because of this fact, economics plays a significant part in the topic and is relevant to explaining the biases in televised

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