The Persian Desert: Just Think Of A Desert

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To describe Southwestern Asia, just think of a desert. Vegetation, grass, or forests is very limited in Southwestern Asia, however, rocks, mountains, plateaus, and wide river valley would be easier to see. The lack of vegetation is due to the tectonic plate of the African, Arabian, and Eurasian plates. The collision of these plate bring forth some of the highest mountains: the Taurus, Zagros, and Elburz in Turkey and Iran. Two tectonic plates also widen the Red Sea. Earthquakes are common in this region where large quantities of rock fall into the Earth’s crust trapping oil and natural gas. Due to this event, the Persian Gulf became known as the world’s largest concentration of these fuels. Southwestern Asia have dry climates like steppe …show more content…

Human activities can hurt the environment, which makes it hard to recover. As the population grow, new industries and cities, and higher living standards increase the demand for water. Because of the fragile environment, farming requires good management to prevent the high rates of evaporation from drawing salt to the surface soil. This is known as salinization. To prevent salinization, proper irrigation and drainage for the improvement of the soil. The oil industry is a major polluter especially in the Persian Gulf as the atmosphere and water are polluted. Leakages pollutes the water and the atmosphere which cause fogs that worsen the respiratory system. Because of the pollution, Persian Gulf lost plant and animal life. The ending of the Gulf War, Iraqis, set oil wells on fire which add carbon gases into the atmosphere. A huge oil slick was release that also hurt the plant and animal …show more content…

During World War I, Europe and French force the Arab nationalism to remove Turk from Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and the Arabian Peninsula. The Arab countries gained independence from Europe in many ways. After World War I, the League of Nation made Syria and Lebanon French protectorate. Protectorates is placing the control and protection to another. The rest of the area was under British protection. The French encourage republican governments while the British guaranteed survival of kingdoms. Jordan is still a monarchy, Iraq was a monarchy till 1958, and small emirs near the Persian Gulf was under traditional local rulers. Seven emirs joined to form the United Arab Emirates. A homeland for the Jews were form and became known as the state of Israel in

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