Sociological Issues In Sociology Essay

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Sociological viewpoint towards social problems Social problems exist all around us and are part of our everyday routine, we may not always see them but they are always there. It could simply be someone losing there job, a female not getting hired over a male, a male expecting a female to clean up a mess or an older adult being fired for not being fast enough, most individuals don’t think anything of it, its just a way of everyday life and we have seen it time and time again. Individuals look at issues in a narrow minded egotistical kind of way by just focusing on themselves and the cause and effect of their own personal issues. Poor me, I’m unemployed because my car broke down and I couldn’t get to work, my boss fired me and now I don’t have a job and cant fix my car. While a sociologist examines the connection between individuals and society to get a better …show more content…

They may look at, well the economy hasn’t been great and the company couldn’t afford to keep on another worker, so they saw this as an easy fix to just let you go, the economy has gone down hill since the paper mill closed and the town lost most its business and everyone has moved away. Everyone looks at an issue differently that’s why we have sociologists to look at the larger picture and the cause and effect of every issue. There are so many types of social problems that aren’t even thought about and addressed on an everyday basis like ageism (the discrimination of older adults), most tend to focus on larger issues such as the economy, unemployment or sex and race discrimination. While all social problems are important some are more important then others because they have a greater effect on society. Some may see something as an issue while others don’t think it’s a problem at all, this is called social constructionism, where different parts of society

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