The Declaration Of Independence And A Vindication Of The Rights Of Women

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There are three notable texts that depict societal law and order from three different points of view. These three texts include, Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, The Declaration of Independence, and A Vindication of the Rights of Women. While reading each of these, I noticed many similarities and differences among how these societies look alike and how the differ compared to one another. I think it is very important that we take a close look at the structure, purpose, and overall message of each of the texts to understand the deeper meaning behind what the author is trying to portray. In Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions, E. C. Stanton read the Declaration of Independence, and every paragraph was reviewed and the problems …show more content…

He had a history of “repeated injuries and usurpations, all having, in direct object, the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States” (Independence). The King was very renowned about all of these mistakes that he made, that other people were able to look at these mistakes and learn from them, like the United States. The Declaration of Independence lays out all of the mistakes that the King made and described what needs to be different within them to not make the same mistakes. The States were once ran by the British crown, and the writers of the Declaration went forth to make the States in better hands than they were before by totally cutting off the connection of political systems between the British and the United States. Finally, they state, “As free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do” …show more content…

They should be able to have a financial independence and not always rely on the men to support them. This would make the women better socially speaking, and they would, as a result of having independence and financial stability, be able to be better mother figures in their children’s lives. Education would be a huge factor in giving women equal opportunities as men. Education is extremely important to be able to do more advanced skills that are required as you grow up and move out of the house without always needing a man to depend on. With equal opportunity for women to get an education just like a man’s, they will be able to, for example, be a better mother to their children, because they will not spoil their children but they also aren’t going to tyrannize over them. There needs to be better support systems for women as well to be able to learn household tasks such as changing the tire on the car, reroofing the home, or cutting wood for the wood burning stove. With the help of a proper school education and the education of these household tasks, women would be at a much greater advantage than they are sitting in the home cooking, cleaning, and watching the children. Wollstonecraft uses her writing as a way to complain about all of the ways that men aren’t treating women correctly without really giving an explanation as to why all of the things that they are doing are

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