What Is Socia Social Roles In Planned Parenthood?

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It is widely accepted that masculine is synonymous with male and feminine with female. While it is typical for males to enjoy typically masculine activities, it is seen negatively when males enjoy a typically feminine activity. Not only is it seen as a bad thing, but young boys are often bullied or even punished for liking something that is seen as feminine. Girls are also often shunned for liking anything associated with masculine hobbies, usually having to prove that they “are not like like other girls”, insinuating that even girls who happen to like feminine activities are not to be sought after in this particular social system. Doctor Vanessa Cullins from Planned Parenthood talks about how children learn from a young age how they are supposed to fit into our social system and how damaging that can be during adolescence while the children try to create their own identity. I chose this topic because I think that we, as a society, do not think into this issue too deeply and yet it persists in our everyday lives. …show more content…

Social roles are the certain kinds of behaviors that are considered acceptable when one holds a particular role or position. So, a mother should stay at home and raise a child whereas the father should go to work and provide, instead of a mother furthering her career while the father raises the child. In this situation the father would be seen as weak or unmanly because he’s not the breadwinner. The mother would be seen as cold or unfeeling as if she cares more about her career than her own child. Social norms harm our society by forcing unnecessary exceptions on gender or race. Social norms are informal types of expectations or rules that stipulate expected or appropriate behaviors for certain situations. Such as, women are expected to get married and have children, usually before turning 30, whereas men are expected to clime the corporate ladder and not settle down

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