Social Interactionism, The Conflict Theory, Theorys And Perspectives

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In society it is one hundred percent possible that we could study people our entire lives and still not understand them if we didn’t understand that basic social instiutions. I have watched three different videos over the course of the past week and I have been able to identify the use of three of our major social institutions, theorys and perspectives. I saw social interactionism, the conflict theory and functionalism all at work. Knowing each of these is extremely important to understanding why people act and react to each situation on confrontation that they may encounter. Social interactionism is how people interact with each other, of course, but also how we react to certain gestures or comments, when said items may have a different or symbolic meaning to us. I found the topic that discussed symbolic …show more content…

Each institution has its own effect on society. Functionalism gives us an understanding for how groups are able to work together to give us that firm foundation that we strive for. Functionalism has had the most effect on me personally. I know that anytime I am given a task, I take a step back to se how I can function the best with the group and equipment I am given. The conflict perspective provides us with the knowledge to understand conflict between to groups when we see it the conflict theory is most properly used when we have two groups competing for power when there is limited resources. Symbolic interactionism can be defined as interaction between two people or groups, with a different reaction to a statement or gesture because of memories or feelings connected to that gesture or statement. Symbolic interactionism is the most prominent to me, as I have a lot of things that have sentimental meaning to them. No one institution is more effective than the other, but some are more easily understood or noticed, as seen in the videos discussed

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