Social Hierarchy In Society

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In society, we are unconsciously arranged and grouped based on factors in ones lives that decide were we lay on a social scale. These factors include your socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, sex, age, religion and anything that may pertain to a privilege you hold. Social hierarchy is just this; a ranking of individuals based on their personal factors that divide them and creates a hierarchy. Social hierarchies are part of our everyday lives because positions we hold come assigned with different tasks. Those tasks are infused with power, privilege and prestige. Those factors lead to people having power, privilege and prestige over others, therefore causing a hierarchy. In my explanation of social hierarchy, I will be touching on two concepts: …show more content…

These hierarchies then have concepts that determine or affect ones actions in societies. These concepts range from which space one can enter, what one wears in a social setting and how people divide up their time. I used two examples: social space and costumes. These two stuck out to me the most because I interact with them daily. I am also very diligent when it comes to my time but these two concepts specifically pertain to my life. One concept can affect your life in many different ways and that in turn changes your actions in certain situations. Social hierarchy exists because we live in a society that is dominated by the 1% who sets precedents over what is social acceptable. These hierarchies are mandatory but unfortunately are ingrained in people’s minds because its human nature. It is human nature to act a certain way depending on your role in that situation. These hierarchies will continue to change people’s everyday lives because they are a part of they way we act and think. All of our actions are based off of the hierarchies we co-exist in and we are not aware of them at times. Society makes them important because it has been ingrained in our nature to have different class levels. Everyone is seeking power, privilege and prestige and because of that, social hierarchies will continue to exist and

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