Exploring Socioeconomic Classes: A Comparative Analysis

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Theme Socioeconomic status (SES) is the measure of the influence that the social environment has on individuals, families, communities, and schools. The concept of SES considers other influences such as the chance for social or economic advancement, influence on policy, availability of resources, and prestige of the primary occupation. (www.education.com). The story identifies the three main social class which are the upper class (Da Ros), the middle class (Arroyo Blanco residents) and the lower class (Mexican immigrants), and this further explains the characteristics of the people in each class. The lower class is associated with the poor, people who have little control over resources, power and prestige, compared to the middle class who are better off than former. The novel focuses on two main class which are the middle and the lower class and how “The higher social class can dominate and exploit the lower social class”. …show more content…

They provided the labor exchange which enable the immigrants to get jobs for their survival, though they were been exploited it was their source of livelihood and they couldn’t complain. The existence of the middle class has fueled the creation of the lower class for exploitation. Candido, America and all the undocumented immigrants struggle to work hard in hope of achieving the luxury of the middle class without knowing the people of higher class stifle the progress of the lower class in order to exploit them to stay relevant. ‘Exploitation: the systematic diversion of the proceeds of the knowledge, creativity and effort of human labor to enrich a propertied elite, so that “the labor of the many [becomes] the wealth of the few” (Marx,

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