Sleep Deprivation on Health

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Sleep deprivation can affect your mental and physical state. It can be detrimental to your life in many ways. It can affect motor functioning as well as a person’s behaviour. Many hours without sleep can affect your cardio vascular endurance as well as your muscular strength. A full 24 hours without sleep can give a person a rush of adrenaline that would keep a person going for a few extra hours. Lack of sleep affects people differently in a range of situations. You may be different with partners then you are at school or work, as well as playing a sport or exercising. Lack of sleep overtime affects people mentally and can be very detrimental to your health.

In school and/or at work, lack of sleep can affect cognitive and motor functioning. The ability of being able to physically perform or do something active isn’t as affected. “Studies have shown that lack of sleep of 30-64 hours affects simple and choice reaction time and tasks that involve high levels of cognitive functioning”. (Scott, McNaughton, Polman, 2006, pg.1) The ability to think straight and process information clearly can be affected. A person who lacks sleep that has work and/or school may not pay attention as well as someone who gets a proper sleep, and may miss information. Lack of sleep also increases levels of stress as you have less ability to concentrate on the choices you make at work and/or school. Sleep deprivation overtime can be detrimental to your grades or allow a person to be a good employee.

Exercise with a few hours of lack of sleep can make a workout harder and more sluggish to go through. There have been many studies done on sleep deprivation on exercise. A Study done by Thomas Reilly and Ben Edwards who study at the Research Institute for S...

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... effect of creating levels of the stress hormone “Cortisol”. It doesn’t affect the bodys ability to be physically active with a low level of sleep as it helps push the body harder. As for relationships sleep deprivation can be detrimental because it affects the behaviour of people and how they communicate and treat their partner. Overall sleep deprivation is detrimental to a persons health.

Works Cited

1. Scott, Jonathon P.R., McNaughton, Lars R., Polman, Remco C.J. “Effects of sleep deprivation and exercise on cognitive motor performance and mood.” Physiology and Behavior 87 (2006) 396- 408. Web. 5 Nov. 2013

2. “Running on no sleep: How it effects performance on race day and in training”. Runners Connect Web. 18. Nov. 2013

3. “Sleep Deprivation Could Adversely Affect Romantic Relationships”. redOrbit Your Universe Online 20. Jan. 2013 Web. 18. Nov. 2013

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