Single Member Plurality vs Proportian Representation

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Part B- Essay
Single Member Plurality versus Proportional Representation
The single member plurality system, more specifically the first past the post system (FPTP), is an electoral process most commonly used in Canadian for both federal and provincial elections. Throughout the years it has been the preferred method of national elections. However, there have been political debates as to whether Canada should undergo electoral reform. Many argue that the current SMP system does not accurately represent the interests of the citizens, and therefore should be reformed to an alternate voting method. There are both strengths and weaknesses associated with this particular system, however many believe that Canada is in great need of a electoral system that can accurately represent the concerns of all, supporting voter equality. In comparison, an alternate electoral system, known as proportional representation, will be analyzed. This system is very popular in a number of democratic nations, and is argued to be the preferable system to SMP in regards to Canadian elections. Thus, this paper will determine if the current electoral process is best for Canada by comparing and analyzing both single member plurality and proportional representation electoral systems. This following essay will discuss the benefits of the single member plurality in Canadian elections and also address its impacts on government, politics, and the national party system. Following the examination of the SMP system, a similar analysis of proportional representation (PR) and its effect in Canadian politics will also be provided to determine which electoral process is most advantageous for Canada. Thus, this paper will argue that proportional representation is potential...

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