The Negative Effects Of Drinking And Driving

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At some point, every single person will be affected by drugs in one way or another. Every time a doctor prescribes a medication, a cigarette is lit, a soda can is popped open, an irresponsible college party happens, or a surgery takes place; drugs and/or alcohol affect the bodies of millions. Drugs can be used for wholesome, correct purposes, yet they can also be abused and used negatively. These drugs can take over a person 's life, and unfortunately, it happens quite often. Warning signs that may indicate a person needs help can involve drops in attendance/performance at work/school; loss of interest in hobbies; unexplained need for money; engaging in secretive/suspicious behaviors; sudden relationship issues; decreased motivation; periods …show more content…

While drinking is dangerous on its own, drinking and driving presents an entirely new level of danger. When someone with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) greater than 0.08% gets behind the wheel, they not only place themselves at risk for injury or death, but also anyone near them on the road. Although the intoxicated driver may believe they are fine, in reality, they are greatly impaired. When a person is “legally drunk” (BAC of 0.08% or greater), their judgement, reaction time, concentration, comprehension, coordination, and visual/auditory acuity are all lessened at immense rates. And while these skills become ineffective at a BAC of 0.08%, they actually start to become affected at a BAC as low as 0.02%.5 Surprisingly, a person can be more likely to drink and drive under certain circumstances. People are more likely to drink and drive if they have access to their car keys, are male, are “heavyweight,” are close to home, and are the type of person who gains confidence while they are drinking. While people outside of these guidelines are capable of drunk driving, these characteristics are found more often among drunk drivers. Consequently, approximately 10,000 americans die each year as victims to drink driving.6 This also the involves the innocent, sober citizens who are victims of others’ poor decisions. By far, people will agree that the best way to avoid drunk driving is to have …show more content…

The legal substance, caffeine, is found widely in foods and drinks such as coffee and soda that many people consume on a daily basis. While many people do not realize it, the brain can become addicted to caffeine and cause withdrawal symptoms ranging from “caffeine headaches” to lethargy and depression. More seriously, people can be become heavily dependent upon illegal drugs such as LSD, heroin, and cocaine. Drugs affect the areas of the brain known as the brainstem, the cerebral cortex, and the limbic system. Together, these systems control our emotions, thoughts, and senses. Drugs tap into the signals sent, received, and processed by neurons and affect the brain in one of two ways: Drugs like marijuana and heroin simulate natural neurotransmitters in the brain and flood receptors with chemicals which create the “high” of positive feelings. The chemicals are slightly different and transmit strange messages throughout the brain. The other kind of drugs like like amphetamines and cocaine cause neurons to fire without stopping, amplifying emotions greatly and disrupting all other brain communications.7 Both of these changes flood the brain with dopamine and provides the brain with a sense of euphoria and a loss of coordination and proper consciousness. Because this makes the user feel good, the brain wants to repeatedly use the drug, creating the

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