The Importance Of Sexism In The Workplace

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Many people believe sexism does not exist in society today; however, there is a multitude of evidence that supports its prominence. Sexist behavior makes women feel inferior to men when they deserve equality. According to a survey conducted by Girlguiding UK, 75% of girls’ aged 11-21 say sexism affects their confidence and future aspirations (Martinson). Discrimination against women, no matter how subtle, is observed at home, in the classroom and at the workplace. Sexism is learned very early in childhood and continues throughout a woman’s life. Many people think women’s rights have come a long way but there are many aspects that can be improved upon. Production of children’s toys and clothing are color-coded based on gender, …show more content…

It is true that women have different, more independent roles compared to the “50’s housewife”. In the 50’s, women were expected to stay at home and take care of their husband and children. To be a stay at home mother takes a lot of work and it is also very rewarding but women in this time were shamed if they did anything other than take care of her family. The “50’s housewife” not only had the responsibility to take care of her children and household but to act as a slave for her husband as if the world revolved around him. Some of the many degrading “rules” society gave women on how to treat her husband were: don 't greet him with problems, don 't complain if he is late for dinner, offer to take off his shoes, speak in a pleasant voice, let him talk first, and never complain. Upsetting their husband was quite possibly the worst they could have done back then. Now, many more men help out around the household and contribute to raising their children. Women were given a voice in society when they gained the right to vote on August 18th, 1920, which was a huge step for women all over America. More women are in the work industry than ever and there are some men that have become stay at home dads. Although there has been much improvement in the equality of men and women, it does not change the wage gap or the general idea that being female is a bad

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