7 Learning Style Essay

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In a classroom environment, it is essential to understand how each and every individual student is able to retain information. The seven different learning styles: visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social and solitary are all effective strategies a teacher can use in order to allow students of many different backgrounds to learn in their own unique way. It is very important for a teacher to implement these aspects into their daily teachings because their main goal is to get all students to understand the information they are required to learn. School for some kids is a difficult place to learn and be comfortable based off of their learning preferences and if an instructor can assist in any way possible it can make a tremendous difference in how students view education. As a teacher there are a plethora of ways to create a well thought out lesson plan that covers all learning style areas and accommodates every student. Overall, a teacher should consider all seven learning styles while instructing a class to ensure that all students have equal opportunity to learn and feel comfortable in a school environment.
The visual …show more content…

This learning concept allows students to gain an understanding of certain material by applying critical thinking to their areas of study. As a teacher in a physical education class, it is easy to involve these students by giving them an understanding of how the body moves as these types of kids will focus on fundamental aspects of physical performance. These logical learners tend to think about big picture versus small details and could do very well in a physical education class that also introduces anatomy. While incorporating the two subjects to the class these learners will be able to relate certain movements in the gymnasium to the anatomical makeup of each movement they have learned. Teachers also quite often see

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