The Importance Of Scripture In The Bible

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Scripture holds a prominent role in the sermon. In 2 Timothy 4:2, it states to “preach the word in season and out of season”. The Greek word for preach is ‘Kerusso’. It means to be a herald (proclaim) and to preach (announce) a message publicly and with conviction (persuasion). In this verse, Paul gave Timothy and the others ministers a charge and a commission to preach the Word. In order to be an effective preacher, the Word of God must be the foundation. In 2 Timothy 3:16, it states that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”. In other words, the Word of God was written by man, God-breathed and divinely inspired. The Scripture is important because it creates an argument or appeal that is persuading the audience to do something. The substance of our preaching must come from the Bible because the Bible comes from God. As messenger and ambassadors of God, we are obligated to speak the mind and thoughts of God.
The preaching of Scripture serves several purposes. The …show more content…

Then they must ask God, “what is it Lord that you will have me to say?” They should allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the answer. We should not use Scripture to support out thoughts, our philosophy and our reasoning. As soon as we begin to preach something outside of the Word of God, we lose our authority. In other words, God is no longer in the message and only the words of a man is glorified. This is why we should approach the Word using a childlike attitude. The goal is to glorify God in our preaching. We should allow the sermon to preach to us first before we preach it to the congregation. This means that the sermon needs to be incarnational. In other words our sermons should serves as a mirror. A mirror where we first see our own reflection and make adjustments and then reflect it back to the

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