American Nation Essays

  • Summary Of American Crucible: Race And Nation In The Twentieth Century

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    book American Crucible: Race and Nation in the Twentieth Century, and that America is a melting pot of different cultures due to the accumulation of immigrants in the twentieth century. He uses Theodore Roosevelt as a support base for his arguments. Civic nationalism is the idealized understanding of America as an ethnic and cultural melting pot based on civil rights, and on the values of equality and liberty no matter the race and ethnicity of one another. Civic nationalism claims a nation can still

  • Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation: Undermining American Values

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    Andrew F. Smith once said, “Eating at fast food outlets and other restaurants is simply a manifestation of the commodification of time coupled with the relatively low value many Americans have placed on the food they eat”. In the non-fiction book, “Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser, the author had first-hand experiences on the aspects of fast food and conveyed that it has changed agriculture that we today did not have noticed. We eat fast food everyday and it has become an addiction that regards

  • Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation: The Destruction of American Values

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    In the book Fast Food Nation: The Darks Side of the All-American Meal, Eric Schlosser claims that fast food impacts more than our eating habits, it impacts “…our economy, our culture, and our values”(3) . At the heart of Schlosser’s argument is that the entrepreneurial spirit —defined by hard work, innovation, and taking extraordinary risks— has nothing to do with the rise of the fast food empire and all its subsidiaries. In reality, the success of a fast food restaurant is contingent upon obtaining

  • Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal

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    In the book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser talks about the working conditions of fast food meat slaughterhouses. In the chapter “The Most Dangerous Job,” one of the workers, who despised his job, gave Schlosser an opportunity to walk through a slaughterhouse. As the author was progressed backwards through the slaughterhouse, he noticed how all the workers were sitting very close to each other with steel protective vests and knives. The workers were mainly young Latina women, who worked swiftly

  • Evolution Of The American Nation

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    Evolution of the Nation During the post Civil War time period, 1865 to 1945, the United States of America was a rapidly changing country. There were many different reforms taking place in the economic, political, and urban systems. The American industry was rising. New inventions, westward expansion, and new federal laws were making the country a melting pot of cultures from around the world. Also during this time period the nation experienced the progressive movement, economic collapse, the great

  • The Birth Of An American Nation

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    The birth of an American nation began with the establishment of various colonies along the east approximately next to the abundant Atlantic Ocean. The colonies can be divided into 4 units. The colonies that settled in the New World were New England, Chesapeake, Middle Colonies, and the Carolinas. The European immigrants thought themselves as being the first inhabitants of the new nation, but were faced with a reality that Native Americans were already settled in the land. What was to come was years

  • Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal

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    In the book Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser writes about the fast food industry. However, his book is not merely an expose of the fast food industry but is even more a consideration of how the fast food industry has shaped and defined American society in America and for other nations as America exports its fast food culture to others. Schlosser describes a great deal of American culture to the fast food mentality, and he finds that globalization is taking the fast food culture around the world at

  • American Exceptionalism: Why We Are Different from Other Nations

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    American Exceptionalism On the first day of class, I wasn’t so sure what the term “American Exceptionalism” meant, but by the end I have figured it out. American Exceptionalism is the notion that America is uniquely different from the other nations. The reason America is “uniquely different” from the other nations is because, the world expects America to lead, have values, pursue freedom, be diverse and open, and also practice democracy. Being a democratic nation makes us the city upon the hill

  • Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Scholosser

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    The food industry has become a large part of the American lives by providing cheap, affordable, and fulfilling food. Now fast food has expanded globally creating a global phenomenon. In Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Scholosser, the books looks at the history of fast food and how it became a multi-billion dollar industry. Scholosser is an investigative journalist that seeks to uncover the truth about the fast food industry by researching its roots and exploring every

  • Democracy In South America

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    Latin America. The Monroe Doctrine warned European nations against interfering in the affairs of independent nations in the Western Hemisphere. In 1904, Roosevelt's Corollary said the US would act as a "policeman", intervening militarily when US interests were at risk. After W.W.II, the independent countries of the Western Hemisphere formed the Organization of American States, a military alliance to prevent aggression against any American nation. South America is the fourth largest continent

  • The American Dream: An Idea That Shaped A Nation

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    whoever they wanted to be. They wanted to be a part of the “American Dream.” Back then, the dream was simple and was thought that through hard work and determination, one could make a better life for themselves and their families. However, over time, this dream has changed as the nation

  • Public Education: Funding based Upon Race

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    –Horace Mann, 1848 Public education in the United States is exalted as the “great equalizer.” This utopian concept would be true if the education provided to all citizens was equal. Unfortunately, the dueling principles upon which the American nation was founded— freedom to accumulate wealth and equality for all—inhibit the establishment and maintenance of equal education. Funding inequities within the United States public education system embody the tension between one’s right to accumulate

  • The American Education System In Michael Moore's Idiot Nation

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    article “Idiot Nation”, Michael Moore states that America is falling behind in education compared to other countries around the world. Moore gives examples of how Americans could not figure out how to solve the simplest school problems in their heads, or had a reading proficiency past a fourth-grade level (Moore, 121-40). Compared to one of the world’s best education system, South Korean students excel in science and mathematics (Alters, 4). President Barack Obama states that the American education system

  • Similarities Between The Declaration Of Independence And The Constitution

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    dictionary, a nation would be defined as “A large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory.” With this definition, an American nation would be considered to be in existence. However, there are various attributes associated with being in the American nation, and these characteristics vary greatly compared to those of other nations around the world. The American nation is unlike any other nation in the world, with Americans having

  • The Impact of the Fugitive Slave Law on Abolitionism

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    omitted this section from the final document, it does show that slavery was an issue for the American nation from its inception. So, while it may have been established by its mother country, the roots of slavery are laid deep in American soil. By the early 19th century, slavery had grown up and become interwoven with all social and political institutions, and was considered by many to be a vital part of our nation. As many of the northern states began to change their policies on the enslavement of

  • One Person's Terminal Political Community

    717 Words  | 2 Pages

    With a nation being a terminal political community and defined by Rupert Emerson as a "community that commands ultimate loyalty, overriding claims of smaller collectivities which are included within it, and excluding claims of collectivities that are external to it, or cut across it," I identify myself as a member of the terminal political community of Americans. On the other hand, I also belong to a collectivity that lacks the terminal quality, namely the Buddhism church. Although there are similarities

  • Expansionism, Isolationism And Exceptionalism Analysis

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    Expansionism, Isolationism and Exceptionalism: Dissonance in the American Self-Concept Each individual maintains within his own psyche an idea of who he is, an idea of his essential character which psychologists refer to as his ‘self-concept’. Actions he takes in life which are in line with this ideal of the self serve to further reinforce it, while those actions which fall outside the scope of this model provoke an uncomfortable tension in the mind between what impulse or necessity has caused him

  • Patriotism: Use with Caution

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    Greenwood Press, 1999 Hansen, Jonathan M. The Lost Promise of Patriotism: Debating American Identity, 1890-1929. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003. Hibben, John Grier. The Higher Patriotism. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915. Nathanson, Stephen. Patriotism, Morality, and Peace. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1993. O'Leary, Cecilia Elizabeth. To Die For: the Paradox of American Patriotism. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. Renshon, Stanley A., and

  • The American Promise Summary

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    my opinion and based on my readings of our textbook The American Promise: A History of the United States by James Roark, the most pressing issue the young republic faced after the new congress took power under the new constitution in 1789, and George Washington became president was searching for stability. In the young republic 's search for stability they needed to cover many bases politically, socially, and culturally. Being a new nation America needed to become secure and stable in the world

  • Flaws in History Textbooks

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    fighting to influence and control what textbooks tell our countries’ children. In the last reading History Lesson by Dana Lindaman talks about the view point of American History throughout the world’s public schools’ textbooks. Overall, each of the countries diminished the role their nation played in terrible events and criticized other nations for their actions. In Loewen’s book, Lies My Teacher Told Me, talks about the real point of view of textbooks in the classroom. Many textbooks create this idea