The Importance Of The Screen Process For Volunteering Process

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The screen process for volunteer work at Brookdale took a week. The screening process consisted of a credit and criminal background test, an interview, and a drug test. I would have thought I was applying for a paid position. Volunteers also have to write a paragraph on why you would like to be a volunteer and your volunteer experience. I know the screen process is important, because it protect the rights and the safety of senior residents, so I was more than will to complete the process.

On May 28th, 2016, I and five other volunteers showed up at Brookdale Lake Arlington nursing home and assistant living community. We enter a socially homie environment. The facility was very nice and well-manicured. The last time I had been in one of these facilities was when I was eighteen years old working as a CNA. I was relieved that the atmosphere was not as damp and …show more content…

Some senior do not have family to hang out with them and that is when volunteers can get involved. Often seniors are sent to a nursing or assistant live home and forgotten about. What we did for seniors as a volunteer on May 28th, 2016 was empowering them and reassured them of their importance. I learned that the little things we do to help out as a volunteer go a long way. I wish that more people took the time to volunteer at senior living facilities. My parents did install great values in me, but did not teach me how important it is to serve others around you. I am committed to teach my children how important and gratifying it is to help others. This experience was so profound to me, I have decided to participate in our service-learning here at DBU. I which all colleges and university required service activities as a part of student’s studies. I think service learning help transform our youth into thoughtful and productive individuals. I will definitely continue to volunteer at Brookdale

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