Management Approach To Henry Fayol's Organizational Model

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It’s no mistake that according to Forbes’ top companies to work for, five of them are some of America’s biggest profiting companies. These companies include Apple, Google, and Facebook, which are known for their forward thinking and progressive management style. These companies tend to follow the historical management theories such as Theory Y and the Human Relations Approach. The managerial approach my organization tends to follow is the scientific management theory and Fayol’s Classical Organization Theory. The contrast between my organization’s workplace moral and that of Facebook’s is dramatically different. The organization that I work for is currently trying to switch its model from a centralized top down approach, to that of a more decentralized; our people are the organization approach.
The organization that I work for has a very structured hierarchy that includes a CEO, regional president, director, manager, team lead, and then worker. This approach makes it very difficult to feel as part of the company and not just a worker bee. The company has very few meetings with its employees to get direct feedback, but rather communicates through email to implement any new policy changes. This is a dramatic change in how the company used to be run …show more content…

Henri Fayol was the first to systematize the Classical Organizational theory in fourteen principles of management. Fayol’s fourteen principles were: division of labor, authority, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interest, remuneration, centralization, the hierarchy, order, equity, stability of staff, initiative, and esperit de corps. The principles were very top down oriented and lead to a subordinate system where there is no autonomy and no sense of self. The principles promoted everyone give everything for the company that they work for while having no ability to self promote or improve ones’

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