Sequencing Is An Example Of Next Generation Sequencing Method

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Illumina sequencing is an example of next-generation sequencing method. It uses fluorescence-based sequence-monitoring technology and contributes to about 90% of current sequencing data2. In Illumina platform, vast numbers of short reads are sequenced in a single stroke. To do this, the input sample must be cleaved into short sections firstly and the length of these sections will depend on the particular Illumina sequencing machine used. In Illumina sequencing, 100-150bp reads are used, somewhat longer fragments are ligated to generic adaptors and annealed to a slide using the adaptors. PCR is then carried out to amplify each read, creating a spot with many copies of the same read. They are then separated into single strands for sequencing3.

To sequence, the slide is flooded with nucleotides and DNA polymerase. These nucleotides are fluorescently labelled, with the colour corresponding to the base. They also have a terminator, so that only one base is added at a time. Slides images are taken in each cycle. In each read location, there will be a fluorescent signal indicating the type of the base that has been added. The slide is then prepared for the next cycle. The terminators are removed, allowing the next base to be added, and the fluorescent signal is removed, preventing the signal from contaminating the next image. The process is repeated, adding one nucleotide at a time and imaging in between. A sequence can then be constructed by computers based on the image and base type at each site4.

Illumina can be used in whole genome sequencing, as well as the sequencing of methylation, DNA fragments, total RNA, mRNA, siRNA, etc. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) act in gene silencing and post-transcriptional regulation of gene express...

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...ta from sequence with high accuracy. It mostly used in signal-transduction study and allele-expression study and it was relative expensive compared with siRNA sequencing2, 4.

Other next-generation sequencing methods can also be applied. For Roche 454 sequencing, it uses similar monitoring methods with different nucleotides-pairing strategy. All of the sequence reads get from 454 sequencing will be different lengths because different numbers of bases are added in each cycle. The sensitivity and accuracy is as good, but more work need to be done in data analysis stage4. Ion Torrent: Proton / PGM sequencing uses pH change to monitor base pairing. It has relatively low sensitivity compared with other two methods4. In conclusion, with different sample tested and different aim of study, sequencing methods should be carefully selected to give lower cost and better result.

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