Analysis Of Lamaze: A Way To Prepare For Labor And Sleep

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Lamaze is a way to prepare for labor and birth that uses specific breathing and relaxation techniques. Of course, all Lamaze classes are a little bit different in one way or another. However, information that will be covered during a Lamaze class may include information about how the baby is developing; healthy developments in pregnancy; warning signs that something is wrong; how to make pregnancy, labor, and delivery more comfortable; positions for labor and delivery; breathing and relaxation techniques; how to write a birth plan; ways to tell when you go into labor; different options of pain relief during labor; what to expect during labor and delivery; and the role of the coach or labor partner. A lot of classes also discuss what to expect …show more content…

However, many women experience similar emotions in response to pregnancy. The first emotion a woman feels is ambivalence. She is excited, but also scared and nervous. There are many factors that influence the way a woman reactions, including the type of relationship she has with the expectant father, the timing of the pregnancy, her career, etc. Ambivalence is a normal emotion with such a life changing event. Another emotion occurring early in pregnancy is introversion. This is the time when the woman focuses on herself, withdrawing and becoming preoccupied with herself and her fetus. The nurse can assist the woman with her ambivalence and introversion by discussing her feelings with her, and using active listening and reflection to establish a sense of trust. The nurse can also help the woman reevaluate negative responses. During the second trimester, the physical changes that occur due to the growing fetus and movement of the fetus bring along acceptance. The nurse can listen to the woman express positive feelings and generate a discussion about those feelings, offering the woman support and validation. Throughout the entire pregnancy most women experience mood swings. The nurse can help the woman by explaining to her how common this is during …show more content…

Each of these can be used during the labor to help the woman relax. The nurse should help the woman breathe at a comfortable rate, which helps her cope with the birth process. Lamaze is the oldest and most popular technique that is used during childbirth. It is estimated that one in four women are educated in the Lamaze method. The Lamaze method looks at birth as a natural, healthy process. The method doesn’t support nor discourage women from using medication to manage the pain of labor and delivery or routine medical interventions while in labor. Rather, it stresses educating women on their options in order for them to make informed decisions regarding their labor and delivery. This method teaches breathing techniques that help the woman relax more while giving birth. Lamaze helps the woman focus and concentrate by using different breathing patterns and relaxation techniques, which gives the woman something else to focus on rather than the labor pains she is experiencing. On top of relaxation and pain management, the Lamaze method also helps give women the confidence and motivation to make it through the easiest and most difficult times of labor and

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