Essay On Lamaze Classes

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A Lamaze class is a class for expecting parents to find out information about childbirth. The purpose of these courses is to give childbearing mothers more confidence in their capacity to give birth. In addition, it teaches them how to deal with the pain, the process of labor, breathing techniques, and how to provide comfort (Mothers Advocate, 2009). This method was developed by a French doctor named Dr. Fernand Lamaze, he constructed a method of pain relief, derived from Pavlov’s principles. He formed the type of psych prophylactic method during his surveillance in the Soviet Union (Lothian, 2009). These classes focus on the participants and their Lamaze partners, and teaching the, dynamic relaxation techniques and breathing to ease the anxiety of labor and birth. Usually these classes are conducted over six to eight weeks (Mothers Advocate, 2009). Ultimately, Lamaze classes attempt to replace their negative presumption pertaining to pregnancy and the birth process with optimistic, learned responses and managing skills. Additionally, Lamaze classes focus on breastfeeding and the importance of it.
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This particular class was conducted on a Saturday and covered the labor process, options for labor support, comfort measures, and breastfeeding. The class began with the discussion of the anatomy and physiology of an expecting mother. Then progressed to the stages of labor. Furthermore, the complications of delivery and pregnancy were discussed, this took approximately four hours. Lunch was at noon and piloted for thirty minutes. After lunch, comfort measures were reviewed, for about two hour. A forty-five minutes natural childbirth video was played that incorporated the Lamaze techniques. Then the instructor had the mother sit on the floor on yoga mats to practice the recommended breathing techniques for approximately thirty minutes. The final hour was dedicated to breastfeeding and questions the students

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