Causes Of Early Pregnancy Essay

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Early pregnancy symptoms:
Missed period is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Usually women develop these symptoms when they miss a period. However, for some women, early symptoms of pregnancy begins in just few weeks after their conception. Very common early pregnancy symptoms are,
Tender, swollen breasts
Morning sickness
Food aversion or cravings
Frequent urination
Mood swings
Abdominal bloating
High body temperature
Tender, swollen breasts:
You may experience tender, swollen breasts caused due to hormonal changes which makes your breast feel fuller and heavier or tender, sensitive and sore. This usually diminishes after the first trimester, as the body gets used to hormonal changes.
Morning sickness:
This usually starts three …show more content…

You might urinate more often than usual. This starts early in the sixth week and extends till first trimester and intensify as pregnancy progresses. During pregnancy, the blood volume rises, which leads to extra fluid filtered and sent to the bladder causing frequent urination. As the pregnancy progresses, the growing baby exerts more pressure on bladder causing frequent urination.
Mood swings:
It is common for would-be moms to experience mood swings due to hormonal changes that affect neurotransmitter (chemical messenger in the brain) levels.
Abdominal bloating:
Hormonal changes can cause bloating of abdomen, similar to the feeling some women experience before period.
High body temperature:
If the basal body temperature stays elevated for 18 days in a row, then you might be pregnant.
Early pregnancy symptoms like,
Slight bleeding- Small amounts of vaginal bleeding or spotting is one of the first signs of pregnancy. This is called implantation bleeding that occurs by 10 to 14 days after the conception; where the embryo implants into the uterine wall. However, this is usually lighter than menstrual

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