The Role of Communication Services in Health Care

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There are extremely large gaps in our entire aspect of understanding the role of communication services in health care delivery. The care of patients is interesting topic that needs to be addressed, it involves different individuals at all aspects of life, all needing to share patient care information and discuss the management perspective. The special services are increasing with interest in, the use of, information and communication technologies to support health services. Yet, while there is significant discussion of, and investment in, information technologies, communication systems receive much less attention and the clinical adoption of even simpler services like email, voice-calls, and any other electronic interactions is still not commonplace in many health services. Laboratory medicine is perhaps even more poorly studied than many other areas, such as the defining what primary care and hospital services are. Given this lack of specific information about laboratory communication services, this paper will help identify the financial structure of our healthcare system, particularly as it relates to health disparities, the uninsured, and functional communication challenges that America has been faced with, analyze the key components of a communication system, including the basic concepts of a communication channel, service, device and interaction mode. The review will then try and summarize some of what is known about specific communication problems that arise across health services in the main, including the community and hospital service delivery, and how it will we be able to improve the quality of care. Health care is a very important issue in our everyday society. Over the past few years there have been several opinion... ... middle of paper ... ...sparities are mostly felt and experienced by the minority groups as their characteristics are different from the majority of the US population. References Coiera E. When Conversation is better than Computation. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2000;7:277–86.[PMC free article] [PubMed] Safran C, Sands DZ, Rind DM. Online Medical Records: A decade of experience. Proceedings of EPRIMP 1998; October; Rotterdam; IMIA. p. 67–74. Coiera E, Jayasuriya R, Hardy J, Bannan A, Thorpe M. Commu nication loads on clinicians in the Emergency Department. Med J Aust. 2002;176:415–[PubMed] Cort, M. (2004) Cultural Mistrust and Use of Hospice Care: Challenges and Remedies Journal of Palliative Medicine 7(1): 63-71 Fiscella, K., Franks, P., Gold, M. & Clancy, C. (2000) Inequality in Quality Addressing Socioeconomic, Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care, JAMA 283(19): 2579-2584

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