The Road to Civil War

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The battle between armies did not begin until 1861, however the conflict within the Country began at its founding. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence which included “all men are created equal; and they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” he unintentionally yielded abolitionists stimulation in contradicting the institution of slavery. Despite the controversy slavery faced at the Constitutional Convention, the inclusion of the fugitive slave law, the extension of the African slave trade and the three-fifths clause were added with compromise, in anticipation of founding a Constitution and securing the Union, however it would be the ramifications of these laws that would ultimately divide the Country and begin the course to an inevitable civil war.

The debate over the issue of slavery began early in the creation of the United States and was present at the framing of the constitution. The debates were so intense that various delegates threatened to walk out. (Oakes 220) In the North, some states had already abolished slavery and others were in the process. Some believed that the institution of slavery was shrinking and soon would be nonexistent. Like Mr. Elsworth who stated “ as population increases poor laborers will be so plenty as to render slaves useless. Slavery in time will not be a speck in our Country”. (Madison's Journal) However, some delegates from the deep south like John Rutledge from South Carolina, argued that slaves were important for them economically and to remove the institution would make it unacceptable to agree to the Constitution. (citation needed) These southern delegates refused to join the...

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...on 3 “ treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them”. (Oakes 442, Oakes A-10)

Many of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention had already had reservations over the issue of slavery. However, they would include clauses in the Constitution that would protect the institution in order to satisfy some, and complete the Union. They unfortunately left these clauses very vague, which led to contradicting interpretations, and conflict within the states. After decades of tensions and multiple failed attempts at compromise the conflict grew beyond control and left the Union split into two distinct territories, with opposing ideas, interest, and values. These sides had different opinions of how to proceed, the South wanting to separate, and the North determined to preserve the Union. It would take a war to decide who would prevail.

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