The Rise of the Middle Class in "The Untouchable" by Thomas L. Friedman

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The Untouchable by Thomas L. Friedman speaks about the world being flat, which is “the stunning rise of middle classes all over the world (pg. 323).” He explains how the American society is becoming global. This globalization that is occurring in today’s society is leading children in America to have a competing mindset against cultures such as the Chinese. We have to begin to think wise and know what route we have to take in life in order to flourish or survive. There will plenty of jobs out there; however, they will only be open to those people with the right knowledge, self motivation, ideas and skill. There are already some people who have begun to think globally, and this is a great start because we must have the right knowledge in order to know how we as Americans can fit into others supply chain and vice versa to make money. We have to be able to prove and set ourselves apart from everyone else. Be unique. If not the job that we thought we had will go to someone else or somewhere further away. In a flat world mediocrity is no longer an option. Mr. Friedman explains ...

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