Social Enhancement Exphesis: The Rich Get Richer?

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According to the social enhancement hypothesis “the rich get richer”, as it was written in the article people with many friends in the real life also have many friends on their social medias, especially young adults, because 95% of 18-24 years old use social medias the popular person in the real live has many people to add, and many people who wants to follow/ add him, and as they spend many times online, they start developing a feeling that they have to have more follower/friend or have to get many likes on their posts, and the number of friends/followers becomes the scale that they value themselves and other too. From my experience on the social medias, i use facebook, snapchat, instagram, whataapp, viber, and skype, When i get a follow request or friend request I use to accept everyone because the first thing my friends ask about social media was how much friends or followers I have, so naming a small about of number was considered “lame”. As I used it a lot, I also started to value people from the number of followers/friends they have in the social media, every time I get a follow request I first check how many followers/friends they have, how many likes they get, who they follow, who comments on their posts, and whether we have mutual friends . …show more content…

It did really affected me, I was exposed for a lot of nasty post that I wish I can unsee, a stalker that once I added them on facebook they start following and sending me a follow request in every social media I use and I felt so annoyed and unsafe intel I finally unfriended everyone that I do not know or

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