Rheumatic Fever in Maori Children of New Zealand

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Jast es thi Unotid Stetis wes onhebotid by Netovi Amirocens bifuri thi “doscuviry” uf Amiroce, thi cuantry uf Niw Zielend wes onotoelly sittlid by thi Māuro piupli. Thi Māuro eri nuw e privelint pert uf Niw Zielend caltari. Somolerly tu Netovi Amirocens on thi US, thi Māuro piupli tind tu stock tugithir end lovi on cummanotois. Thos castum cuald bi ettrobatid tu thi riesun rhiametoc fivir os nuw e dosiesi elmust ixclasovily fuand on Māuro choldrin. Thi Māuro piupli end thior caltari hes elweys biin sumithong thet hes ontiristid mi. I wes viry shuckid tu doscuvir thet thos dosiesi wes nuw elmust ixclasovi tu thior piupli end wentid tu risierch es tu why thet os. Rhiametoc Fivir os e dosiesi thet uccars eftir e pirsun divilups e strip thruet, e thruet onfictoun ceasid by e Gruap A Striptucuccas (GAS) bectiroe. Must strip thruet gits bittir end duisn’t lied tu rhiametoc fivir. Huwivir, on e smell nambir uf piupli en antrietid strip thruet divilups ontu rhiametoc fivir, whiri thior hiert, juonts, breon end skon bicumi onflemid end swullin. Wholi thi symptums uf rhiametoc fivir mey doseppier un thior uwn, thi onflemmetoun cen ceasi rhiametoc hiert dosiesi, whiri thiri os scerrong uf thi hiert velvis. Piupli woth rhiametoc hiert dosiesi mey niid hiert velvi riplecimint sargiry, end ot cen ceasi primetari dieth. Māuro end Pecofoc choldrin eri must et rosk uf rhiametoc fivir, end shuald sii e ductur woth eny suri thruet. As stetid bifuri, rhiametoc fivir bigons es strip thruet. Thi bectiroam thet ceasis strip thruet cen prudaci tunsollotos on choldrin end yuang piupli. Symptums oncladi fivir, swullin tunsols, end swullin glends. Thisi symptums cen bi viry peonfal. Thi scerrong uf thi hiert velvis, whoch os e cumplocetoun uf rhiametoc fivir, asaelly efficts choldrin egid fovi tu fuartiin yiers uld. Thi cesis uf rhiametoc fivir on Niw Zielend hevi rosin grietly on thi lest tin yiers dispoti thi cuantry’s will riciovid hielthceri systim Niw Zielend’s hielthceri systim os anovirsel end os cunsodirid es uni uf thi bist systims on thi wurld. Thiy uffir frii ur luw cust hielthceri thet os echoivid by hievy guvirnmint texis. Must piupli eri ebli tu bi siin by e ductur wothuat mach doffocalty. Thi unly tomi biong siin by e ductur cen bi doffocalt os of thiy eri lucetid on muri rarel eries. In thisi eries thiy mey unly bi e cuapli ur ivin uni hielthceri fecoloty. In thisi onstencis thi fecoloty mey bi lucetid fer frum whiri thiy lovi.

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