Typhoid Fever In Shenectady Case Study

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Typhoid in Schenectady
Communicable diseases are one of the major concerns in public health, as it poses a significant threat to the population. The study of epidemiology allows nurses to understand the cause of the disease and helps determine the levels of prevention to be implemented in order to limit the spread of the disease (Lundy & Janes, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to: a) use an epidemiological model to identify the organism involved in the case study, as well as its pathology, etiology, diagnosis, and prognosis; b) describe the distribution of health events within Schenectady; c) identify the determinants affecting morbidity and mortality; d) determine the deterrents that exists within the affected population; e) calculate the outbreak’s incubation period; f) identify the individuals affected during endemic levels; g) provide a list of foods that were most susceptible to mass contamination; and h) determine the people involved in the food borne outbreak and analyze the possible cause of this occurrence.
Typhoid fever is a systemic infection caused by the gram-negative organism Salmonella typhi. It is transmitted through fecal-oral or urine-oral route by either direct or indirect contact of the carrier’s or infected individual’s feces or urine. Humans are the only source of this organism. Ingestion of …show more content…

The exposure to the contaminated food happened during the Memorial Day service celebration, which was May 30th. According to the case study, onset of symptoms occurred from June 5th to June 28th. Therefore, the incubation period from this case ranged from seven days to thirty days. According to Heymann (2014), the incubation period for Typhoid fever ranges from 3 days to over 60 days, with the usual range from eight to fourteen days. A graph of the incubation period is provided in Figure

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