Response to Richard Kraut’s Desire and the Human Good

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In his paper Desire and the Human Good, Richard Kraut argues that the typical defense for pluralism, Desire Satisfaction Theory, is too weak; subsequently Kraut offers his own alternative. In this paper I will explain Desire Satisfaction Theory as Kraut opposes it, defend the objections made by Kraut against Desire Satisfaction Theory, and evaluate his alternative theory.
In ancient greek philosophies such as platonic, aristotelian, stoic and epicurean, as well as in medieval christian philosophies, the answer to to the question “what makes a life go best?” is always a narrow answer. With little variation the only life that is good and worth living, to the aforementioned schools of thought, is the life which which is spent developing an understanding of nature and of metaphysics, or rather the life spent as a philosopher. However the position which is by far more popular today is that of pluralism. Pluralism is the concept that there are multiple ways to live that result in a life going best; Desire Satisfaction Theory attempts to offer a justification for pluralism.
Desire Satisfaction Theory states that: a life goes best if and only if desires for that life are satisfied. The variability of desires from person to person, along with Desire Satisfaction Theory, makes it possible to have many types of lifes that are different yet all of them making the life of anyone who desire to live them go well; for example if someone desires to make a living as an engineer, the fulfillment of that desire makes his life go best, and at the same time another person who desires to write music would be better off studying music rather than engineering.
Kraut makes a few modifications to this basic idea of Desire Satisfaction Theory in order to gi...

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...his primary example of this is the deliberations unguided children would make about their lives. While a child would have certain necessary desires, for food, stimulation, warmth and contact, that child also lacks desires for what we would consider makes life go best (desires to develop capacities and to become nurtured in the customs of society).
To this objection, a proponent of Desire Satisfaction Theory could claim: to remedy these concerns and further extension should be made to the theory, that is, that one’s future desires being satisfied is also a component of a life going well. While this modification does fix the issue of not have ideal desires in youth, it does nothing to reconcile issues caused by someone forming bad desires out of not knowing or not caring about what makes their life go best.

Works Cited

Response to Kraut’s Desire and the Human Good

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