Reflection Paper On Neurolinguistics

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Throughout the semester I was worried at first that this class wouldn’t be a good fit for me because I never had learned about this before, after several weeks I began to pick up some very cool and interesting things from linguistics, according to Yumiko “linguistics is the scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of morphology, syntax, phonetics, and semantics”. (PPT) During class we got to see two cases that actually really changed my whole perspective, which was the jungle boy about Genie, and then at campus center when we met people who spoke different languages I learned how people say things in different cultures, but can mean the same meaning as in ours or others. I decided to write my paper on the brain and language which I consider to be “Neurolinguistics”.
There are many definitions of what this could be but according to Lise, “it is the branch of linguistics dealing with the relationship between language and the structure and functioning of the brain, this is the study of how language is represented in the brain”. (LSA) Putting this in my own words it is basically how and where our brains store our knowledge of the language we may or may not speak depending …show more content…

Thus it is how the brain creates and understands the language. The functions occur in the cerebral cortex, the essential function of the cortical language areas is symbolic representation. “Symbolic representation is something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible” (Wikipedia), the example or meaning of this would be that when we see a symbol and we automatically know what it stands for. For example, when we see a dollar bill we understand its currency and what we use it for. Even though language exists in all different forms most of them relate back to this or are based on

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