Realism And Liberalism: A Realist Approach To International Relations

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Within the broad field of international relations there are two main theoretical methodologies of study – realism and liberalism. Following the Cold War, doubt has been shed on the relevance of a realist approach to international relations, claiming that changing conditions and a modernizing world leave little space for the theory (Waltz, 2000). However, by considering the core tenets of realism, the main criticisms of the theory and responses to these, as well as considering real-world circumstances, it will be argued that realism is by no means obsolete. While critics believe realism no longer plays a part in global politics, it will be argued that it is more relevant than ever in today’s international relations.
The theory of realism outlines an explanation of the global political system which can be used to analyse and view international relations, foreign policy and other interactions within the system. The theory revolves around several main tenets – states are the principle actors in the global system, these states compete to maximize their own …show more content…

It may be argued that, since the Cold War, conditions have changed, however the system itself has not been altered and, thus, the theory of realism retains its relevance and practicality. In spite of claims that the emergence of non-state actors, globalisation, and unchallenged unipolarity disprove the applicability of realism, proliferation of nuclear weaponry, military expenditure and the continual links of realism to occurrences in global politics contends that it is not obsolete. Despite the appearance of flaws within the realist theory, it remains pertinent to explaining international relations and the way states interact with one another and the anarchic world

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