The Pros And Cons Of Edward Snowden

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Reactions outside of the United States on the basis of Germany
You can split the American reactions in three groups as well as you can do it with the reactions in Germany.
According to the CIGI-Ipsos Global Survey on Internet Security and Trust almost the whole German public knows something about Edward Snowden and more than every third has reacted and is now protecting his or her online privacy and security better than before the NSA revelations. Every second person in Germany is more concerned about privacy than before and only 15% still think that their private information is safe online. The NSA disclosures have also destroyed the trust in the United States. Only 13% would now trust the United States to be a big part of running the Internet
It has awarded him the “Stuttgarter Friedenspreis”, which means the peace award of Stuttgart. In the laudation a journalist said: “He [Edward Snowden] risks his life. His freedom of movement. His private life. And why? […], because he loves freedom.” (dpa/jk). Many people demand that the German government should grant him asylum in order to have him as a witness in the investigation of the NSA activities in Germany and to protect him from prison in the USA, because they think he did the right thing. More than 50 German celebrities, politicians and popular activists are engaging in protests for his asylum in Germany, together with thousands less popular activists and ordinary people (Oltermann Germany Edward Snowden). A big campaign was “Ein Bett für Snowden”, meaning a bed for Snowden. It was initiated by the organization “Campact” and they were giving out stickers people could put on their houses and doors, in order to offer Edward Snowden a bed to signal support for asylum for him. The stickers were put on more than 42,000 houses all over Germany (anw). Laura Poitras, the journalist Edward Snowden talked to first, wanted to be able to continue working on government critical stories without having to fear that

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