Behavior Chaining Case Study

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Case 1 Brendan
Provide the rationale for the behaviorist 's selection of behavior chaining to help Brendan.
The rationale for the behaviorist’s selection of behavior chaining to help Brendan would be to break down his learned behaviors in steps so that each response to the steps already learned leads to the next step, “A behavior chain is a specific sequence of discrete responses, each associated with a particular stimulus condition,” (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007).
Discuss the concepts of primary and secondary reinforcement and how these work in behavior chaining. You may provide a different example to illustrate these concepts if necessary.
Primary reinforcement fulfills the need of the behavior, “A stimulus change that functions as reinforcement …show more content…

Forward chaining breaks things down into a way that one can understand and manage what he or she is trying to achieve from the beginning to end, “ In forward chaining the behaviors identified in the task analysis are taught in the naturally occurring order,” (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). So what the behaviorist could do is identify the target behavior which is hitting the serve with enough speed or accuracy, after this has been analyzed it can be broken down into steps for Brendan to do first. After Brendan has mastered the first step the behaviorist can add a second step to the first doing the first and second steps together until mastered and so on. In order for Brendan to start a new step he must master each step before moving to the next step then all combined together. The backward chaining is like the forward chaining but teaches from end to the beginning. The behaviorist could use this if it would be easier for Brendan to learn with the last step first and the first step last so hitting the ball first then the first normal steps last until all is mastered in steps, “When a backward chaining procedure is used all the behaviors identified in the task analysis are initially completed by the trainer, except for the …show more content…

(2) Identify target behaviors and rules (3) Select a menu of backup reinforcers (4) Establish a ratio of exchange (5) Write procedures to specify when and how tokens will be dispensed and exchanged and what will happen if the requirements to earn a token are not met. Will the system include a response cost procedure? And (6) Field-test the system, before full-scale implementation,” (Cooper, Heron, & Heward, 2007). The rationale for forming the six steps in a token economy system are, (1) the tokens are there for Ms. Riley to give to the kids when good behavior is displayed these tokens can be collected by the child and then exchanged for a reward like a privilege (extra 10 mints of computer time) or if bad behavior is displayed that child could lose tokens also. (2) Ms. Riley will need to explain the system and the target behaviors to her class and the rules of the system (3) Ms. Riley will need to come up with some back-up reinforcers this could replace the tokens like food, extra time on an activity or classroom jobs, or other big things like special responsibilities that the children can pick from or an outing. (4) Ms. Riley should put value on the token for example, if the reward is something big like two weekends of not homework then the value of the token should be high or if the reward is an

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