Negative Effects Of Racism

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America has been thought of as a place represented by fairness, different cultures, power and the dream of having a better life for everyone, whether a person is white black, brown, red or yellow. The truth is that racial groups have been segregated by the American society. There is no doubt that racism has been around for a long time. It was said to start around the 1400s, mainly between the black and whites during the days of slavery. So what comes to mind when you hear the word racism? The reason for racism is because some people felt high class, entitled, better and more deserving of any better than others who were a different color then them. Racism has had a negative impact on everyone but specifically for African Americans. African …show more content…

Some are still fighting to conquer racism and stereotypes may have stepped over racial boundaries to resolve the struggles between them. However, in the article “Put on a Happy Face: Masking the Differences between Blacks and Whites” by Benjamin DeMott, he argues that only when the suffering of all races are accounted for should they be portrayed by Hollywood as equal. He also argues that the media is trying to force the friendship of black and whites. “The history of Black America fully explains – to anyone who approaches it honestly – how the disaster happed and why neither guilt money nor lectures on personal responsibility can, in and of themselves, repair the damage. The vision of friendship and sympathy placing blacks and whites ‘all in the same boat’ rendering then equally able to do each other favors, ‘to give rides to one another,’ is a smiling but monstrous lie” (DeMott 597). DeMott strongly believes that nothing about the medias claim that everything is fine between the two race. I have to disagree on that because no one is forced to do anything that they do not want to do. Three does not always have to be tension between the two races. The black and whites can be friends if they want to. Believe it or not there are still nice people out there in this world that are not racist. These can change between the blacks and

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