Persuasive Essay On Racism

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The racial slurs have been pounded into your head, yet you find comfort in the few friends that you have made. Friends that accept you for who you are, not for what your skin color is. Behind you, whispers fill the air with violence and prejudice against your type. But your immunity kicks in and you solemnly walk away. The snickers and slurs you here pass by you for you have heard way too many. Ignorant and oblivious owners of the words do not know how it feels, what it does to your self-esteem, how it brings you down for they have never been in your shoes. Their words mock your very existence and even though they are not directed at you, you can not help but feel that they are; after all, you do fit in those descriptions. The comments slice …show more content…

Laws have been passed to make sure that African-Americans get treated equal but alas they have not worked. The majority still treat African-Americans with disrespect. Sadly, there is no permanent way to stop and end racism of any form, especially one that has been going on for decades like racism against African-Americans. We can spread awareness through social media and through the internet but that will not stop all of the racism. Racism is something that happens in a person 's mind and attitude. It is the prejudice they feel when they see someone of a different race and the superiority they feel. That kind of feeling can not be fixed through laws or any solid solution. Racism is something people need to understand and understand why it happens and how to help the people that are being prejudiced against. A solution that might work is an experiment like Jane Elliott’s. To actually put people, most importantly kids, through a mild form of racism. To let them know how it feels to be prejudiced against so that when they feel like being racist they can think back to the experiment they went through and remember how they felt. This way is not the best solution but it is a start. This solution is fighting fire with fire. To make people think back to when they felt prejudiced against and realize not to judge people by what they look like but more to judge them through their actions. We can also educate people to think before they speak but that is not the best way because people will still do whatever they want and they will think before they do something racist and they will think that it is right and say it. What we can not do as a society is forget that racism exists and ignore it. That is what most people are doing right now and it is beyond wrong. We as a nation can not forget the slavery that happened and the segregation and discrimination that happened. Just because laws have been

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