Reflection Essay

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After reading a few articles from the Forsyth Library I found that one of them applied more so than the rest “8 Tips to strengthen your writing” Ann Handley. I found that out of the eight tips I could actively apply four of them to every paper and written assignment that I am tasked to complete both in the workplace and throughout my education. First, more often than not I continuously use more adverbs than active verbs. Secondly, I am “sucker” for clichés and those canned statements that don’t belong in every sentence and paragraph that I am writing. Thirdly, I find myself trying to find words that are not words. Lastly and most importantly to me is the big words, I try to find the fancy big words instead of the clear, precise and absolute …show more content…

I came to this school having taken a variety of courses at numerous educational institutes always avoiding anything to do with English. My first English class has taught me so much more about writing and language; it has taught me how to use my words more effectively and efficiently, expressing my opinions and emotions. I have learned here how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find the answers to the things that I don 't know. Most importantly I have learned how important writing and language are professionally and personally.
Also, the course also taught me how powerful the written word and language can be. Words tell so much more to the story. Stories tell about life, personal experiences and the human emotions, they encompass the past, present and future. When written correctly, stories express very fine details about individual events, making them much more personal and depicting of individual thoughts and views that could only be outlined in written words. Furthermore, understanding the words and the context they have been used in makes the reading more enjoyable and

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