Proposed Benefits And Disadvantages Of Genetically Modified Food

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From the beginning of this semester I have struggled with new for me inquiry-based writing. During the whole process I was scared that finally I would be “stuck” in informative-based writing research paper, which I used to write previous semester. I started with writing down the goals from English 102 Guidance, and made marks during writing if I had met a goal, or struggled with it. Also, class work and homework assignments did help me to clarify the process of writing inquiry-based paper.
I have interested in GMO products and how they influence our life. My original question was “How the GMO influences our life”. It was a narrow topic. There are a lot of researches on GMO’s food, but people still want more evidences. There are many proposed benefits and disadvantages of genetically modified food. Some people believe that eating GM foods will cause cancer, antibiotic resistance, allergies, and immune diseases, whereas other strongly believes that GM foods would save world from hunger. I started my research by searching the information about the environment issues connected to growing GMO plants, economic issue related to this, and health’s impact after consumption GMOs food. Because it was such a broad question, I had to narrow it down. By doing the weekly assignments and discussion with my peers, I was able to clarify my research topic and recourses that I could use.
The final question I was stuck with was “How do genetically modified foods impact people’s health?”. From day to day after reading about GMO, I just realize that I want to read about the health impact that GM foods have. I decided to choose this question because as a health care provider I feel that I’m responsible for my clients’ health, and I want to bring to my...

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...e, especially the part about “Golden” rice, I was encouraged. My first thought was that humanity was on right way to help people from underprivileged countries to cope with famine. Also, I used it to provide the background information, such as explanation of digestion process of genetically modified and non-GM foods.
The article “An Illusory Consensus behind GMO Health Assessment” written by Sheldon Krimsky was helped me to meet the goal 3.4. I used it bridging two sources to each other. The first source was the article “Debate on GMOs Health Risks after Statistical Findings in Regulatory Tests” written by Joel Spiroux de Vendomois, Dominique Cellier, Christian Velot, Emily Clair, Robin Mesnage, and Gilles-Eric Seralini, where the group of authors discussed the inadequacy of research that had conducted on mice before releasing genetically modified food in the market.

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