CMM: The Process Of Communication

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CMM is a theory founded by Barnett Pearce and Vernon Cronen who both believe that the process of communication creates our social worlds. Pearce and Cronen, taken from Harre, emphasize that at the heart of CMM are persons-in-conversations who “co-construct their own social realities and are simultaneously shaped by the worlds they create” (Griffin, 2012, p. 70). The theory allows for the deciphering of the processes and patterns within communication. By doing so, steps can be taken to improve communication and understand the benefits and hindrances of certain techniques.

The CMM consists of viewing the events and objects of the social world as made, co-created by the organized actions of people. It then takes the observations and seeks …show more content…

Griffin states, “the actions of persons-in-conversation are reflexively reproduced as interaction continues. Reflexivity means that our actions have effects that bounce back and affect us.” (Griffin, 2012, p. 72) Throughout the entire movie Flor is creating her daughter’s world, which in turn creates hers. She moved to the U.S. to benefit her daughter. This in turn got her a job where she met the Clasky’s. This in turn exposed her daughter to upper class living. At the end of the film, her daughter had to come back to her original, deeper feelings for her mother over her infatuation with the upper class. This was all done through conversations with her daughter such as teaching moments or daily dialogues and also actions. In Kim’s critique of CMM she states, “CMM notes that the way and form of communication shapes who the interactants are and the relationship more than the actual words or content of the messages themselves. During the performative process of communicating, people become trapped in the “logic of meaning and action” that is made in the reflexivity of conversations. (Kim, 2013) In the film Flor’s parenting of Cristina, her relationship being the way she communicated, was more important that the words she

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